Tamer Ammar - Mercy Without Limits
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Tamer Ammar

Meet Tamer, a seasoned professional with a heart for making a positive impact! He holds a Master’s in Business Management Administration from ESLSCA University in Paris, a master’s degree in Islamic Studies from Manara University in New Jersey, and a Project Management Professional certification from the Institute of California. Tamer’s educational journey doesn’t end there! He also has a bachelor’s degree in applied arts from Cairo University, complemented by diplomas in NGO and Public Administration, non-profit organizations, Media studies, and Middle East Studies. To top it all off he also has an impressive 27 years of global non-profit experience.
Tamer now serves with us as our Community Outreach Manager. In this role, he passionately plans, develops, coordinates, and executes outreach programs.  Tamer focuses on engaging diverse communities across the North East USA. Tamer’s dedication to building relationships and fostering goodwill within communities reflects his deep commitment to serving humanity worldwide. His philosophy for happiness in life is to work with people for people. To that end he takes immense pride in the impact of our organization, aspiring to reach and uplift communities globally. His work epitomizes a steadfast dedication to making a positive difference.
Beyond his professional accomplishments, Tamer is a family man. He is happily married and is the proud father of five wonderful kids. His future aspirations are to finish a PhD in Islamic studies so that he may better serve orphans and people all around the world!

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